Nearly all light switches today are 2-way light switches as they work perfectly well as 1-way switches and it’s simpler to make one version than two. If you do come across a 1-way switch, it will only have 2 terminals, one goes to live and the other goes to the light (or light group).
You can see that there are terminals labelled COM, L1, L2 and an earth terminal. Some plastic switches don’t have an earth terminal some do, all metal switches should have an earth terminal and it’s important to connect it. It’s good practice to connect the earth to the metal back box as well.
In a 1-way configuration, i.e. One light (or light group) and one switch, the wiring is quite simple. The Live wire goes to COM and the wire going to the light is connected to L1 (or L2, doesn’t matter just changes which is the ‘On’ side of the switch).
And that’s it, a wired 1-way light switch.